As well as running training courses in statistics, we also provide one-off and ongoing statistical consultancy for our clients. Here’s an example of how we saved one client €3.5 Million per year!

A food manufacturer contacted us to find out how to reduce the giveaway (i.e. the average weight minus the stated package weight) but stay within the Weights and Measures Regulations.

With 21 million cans being produced every week at each of 6 European sites, the company felt it was giving away far too much free product which was having a detrimental effect on profit.

We analysed the data from the UK factory, looking at filling lines over time. The analysis was done on previous routine control data, so no extra work was needed by the company.

In all there were 8 different products in 3 different can sizes. Our analysis of the data enabled us to identify the cause of overfilling and set up control charts. The saving per individual can was small – around 1g of product per can – but multiplied up to the 21 million cans per week, the company would save 21 tonnes of raw material each week.

The complete analysis took our consultant Sam Turner less than 4 weeks to complete.

The result was an incredible saving of €3.5 Million per year across all 6 sites. So the consultancy paid for itself many times over.

If you would like to know how our statistical consultancy service can help your company improve processes to save money and increase profits please call us today on +44 (0) 1423 865955
