
Design of Experiments (DOE)

Course Dates: TBA

Venue:  Online

Course Fee:  £1950




We also present this course in-house tailored to your specific requirements.

Who This Course Is For

If you’re involved in designing experiments, this course will help you to make sure that your design is efficient, will lead to valid conclusions and help you find the essential features that are driving the process: even with the most powerful statistical techniques it is impossible to reach valid conclusions from a badly designed experiment.

By the end of this 4-day course you will be able to:

Estimate the required sample sizes
Improve the efficiency of an investigation using a paired design
Understand how to use simple design with 2, 3 or 4 variables
Use fractional designs to improve efficiency
Find the relationship of a response to many variables using regression analysis
Determine which predictor variables are important
Use Analysis of Variance to determine significant differences between a multitude of formulations, treatments or assessors
Use computer-aided design to cope with non-standard conditions
Rate the effectiveness of designs and understand limitations of any conclusions
Avoid the 23 ways of messing up an experiment

Course Level

The course starts at an intermediate level but quickly proceeds to the application of statistics in design of experiments. If you have no prior knowledge of statistics, or your knowledge is a little rusty, we recommend attending the 1st day of our 2-day ‘Introduction and Statistical Methods for Scientists’ course first.

Need More Information?

If you have any questions about this course or require further information prior to booking please contact us using the form below.

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    To book places on this course please contact the Statistics for Industry team by emailing:

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    We are pleased to offer online booking for this course.

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    Clients who have attended this course include:

    Afton Chemical, Akzo Nobel International Coatings, Atomic Weapons Establishment, BP, Coors Brewers, Devro Limited, EA Technology, Iggesund Paperboard, Infineum UK Limited, Johnson Matthey Catalysts, Mexichem Fluor, Millbrook Proving Ground, National Nuclear Laboratory, Nestle Research Center, Pepsico Beverage Italia, Sanofi, Siemens, Stirling Lloyd Group, Systagenix Wound Management Limited, Unilever Research, Velocys

    The course was excellent. The lectures were very clear, using examples which were directly applicable to my work and immediately followed by tutorials which helped me to understand the lectures.
    Keith Yates

    Akzo Nobel

    The instructors, content and pace of the course were all excellent… they handled extremely well, what was a rather daunting subject.
    John Porter

    Multicore Solders

    I really liked this course and I am sure I would feel more confident using statistics in the future
    Guillaume Carpentier

    Afton Chemicals

    The course was very useful and I have some new ideas to help me in my work
    Gordon Blackwell


    Proven Training Approach

    Our courses are practical, interactive and stimulating and designed to show you how to put statistics to work.

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