Big Data – it’s much more than just the latest buzz phrase. It’s a technological phenomenon that is changing the way companies do business. We are now surrounded by Big Data: supermarket customers’ records, internet shopping data, social media, data from smart meters and the ever increasing “Internet of Things” to name but a few.

With computer storage and process capabilities advancing all the time, companies now have the ability to sift through the phenomenal amounts of data available to try and find new insights that will help them steal a march on their competitors.

But finding and describing these patterns and trends can be difficult and costly unless a systematic approach is adopted.

Which is why we have introduced our new course “Statistics for Data Scientists”. Using our tried and tested train approach we will show you how to use statistics with Big Data sets and introduce you to the latest software to help your company make informed decisions.

This course is ideal for data scientists and anyone involved in the analysis and interpretation of very large data sets which are too big to fit into excel spreadsheets.

It’s been said that ‘a data scientist is someone who knows programming better than a statistician & more statistics than a programmer’

This course will help data scientists to make sure that they do indeed know more statistics than a programmer, but it will also give them the knowledge to be able to interact with their IT department to get the computing resources they need.

Above all it will help companies to make informed decisions with huge potential benefits.

You can find more information and book here
